
Why do we always keep saying and calling out "Ya Ali"?

Ali is the gem that is unlike any other.
Ameer-ul-Momineen, wa
Syed-ul-Wasiyeen, wa
Imam-ul-Muttaqeen, wa
Imam-ul-Muslimeen, wa
Ammer-ul-Momineen, wa
Asadullah-al-Ghalib, wa
Ali Ibn Abi Talib
is the truly unique person in history who has been able to combine and bring together all these antithetical qualities in the same human being.

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Why is Ali Ibn Abi Talib so special?

Because He is the first to submit to Allah. Ali Ibn Abi Talib was the first t
o come to Rasool Allah whenever he needed help. He was always the first to respond
to Rasool Allah.
Ameer ul Momineen was always the first to stand in the battlefield while all others were fleeing for their lives. Ali Ibn Abi Talib is the great man whose name we will call for our entire lives.

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When you want to get up, you say 'Ya Ali!'

When you want to sit down, you say 'Ya Ali!'

When you want to climb a bunch of stairs, you say 'Ya Ali!'

When you want to help your kids ride a bicycle you teach them to say 'Ya Ali!'

When your mother is giving birth to you at the hospital, she calls out 'Ya Ali!'


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Because Rasool Allah always called out Ya Ali! Ya Ali! Ya Ali!
The Wasi of Rasool Allah.
So shouldn't we call a person for help whom Rasool Allah himself has called.

Credits: Tejani Brothers


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