
Qambar; the slave and companion of Ameer ul Momineen Ali AS

Qambar was among the particular slaves of Ameer ul Momineen Ali Ibn Abi Talib AS. Hajjaj Saqafi got him arrested and asked him what was his duty? Qambar replied that I brought water and Ali AS did Wadhu (Ablution) and then recited an Ayah (Ayat) from Quran which said that afterall the cruel ones

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are going to end. Hajjaj said that
perhaps He was pointing towards me in this Aayah. Qamar replied and said, “Of course!.”

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Hajjaj got angry and said what will happen if I kill you? Qambar replied, “I will be among the lucky ones and you will be among the unlucky ones.” Hajjaj got angry and ordered to kill Qambar. The tomb of Qambar is in Baghdad.

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